Phillip Craig Garrido

Phillip Craig Garrido

This article covers the life of Phillip Craig Garrido and everything you should know about him. So, stick around.


Born in California in 1951, Garrido’s early life offered no grim signs of the future but cracks appeared in his teenage years. He abused substances, eventually being arrested for drug possession in 1969. This started a disturbing pattern. His first prosecution was for drugging and raping a 14-year-old girl in 1972 – charges dropped because the girl had not cooperated. This should have been a red flag.

A Descent into Violence

In 1976, Garrido became increasingly criminal. He kidnapped and raped a woman, 25, in a warehouse. And this time, authorities stepped in. Garrido received 50 years in federal prison for kidnapping and additional time for sexual assault. Garrido reportedly used manipulative behavior while behind bars to persuade authorities for his rehabilitation.

Parole and a Calculated Deception

Garrido remained a danger, although he was paroled in 1988 after serving less than half his sentence. It was court-ordered psychological treatment, but his mental state was unknown. His first wife Nancy Bocanegra gave a facade of normality, adopting a baby girl in 1981. This image was a cover to keep suspicion away from his real intentions.

Jaycee Dugard kidnapped

And so began Garrido’s horrific plan in 1991. He kidnapped 11-year-old Jaycee Dugard just outside her home in South Lake Tahoe, California. He overpowered and imprisoned her in a compound hidden behind his house with threats and chemicals. It was this first painful step in 18 years of suffering for Dugard.

A Life Stolen

For nearly two decades Garrido kept Dugard captive in sheds and sheds. He raped her repeatedly and fathered two daughters with her. The horrible conditions aside, Dugard was strong and resilient. Her daughters she raised there, educating them as best she could and hoping for better days in captivity.

Unraveling the Nightmare

Supposedly innocuous events exposed Garrido’s crimes in 2009. He tried to enroll his daughters at the University of California, Berkeley, but paperwork inconsistent with homeschooling raised suspicion. University officials called authorities as required under protocol. This simple vigilance led to Dugard and his daughters.

Justice Served

But Garrido’s carefully constructed world collapsed. His wife Nancy was arrested. Whether Nancy was involved remains debated, but Phillip Garrido paid the price for what he did. And in 2011 he was sentenced to 431 years to life in prison, with no possibility of parole. Nancy Garrido received 36 years imprisonment.

A Legacy of Strength and Pain

The Jaycee Dugard case exposed weaknesses in the parole system and showed how important protocol is when dealing with questionable situations. This also highlighted the power of human spirit. Dugard’s story of survival and healing has touched many others traumatized by similar experiences.

The life of Phillip Craig Garrido demonstrates just how dark things can get behind seemingly innocent people. It tells a chilling tale of vigilance and human spirit tenacious in the face of unimaginable hardship.